Rules for the use of the Return Box 中學圖書館 圖書館還書箱使用要點

1. The library has set up a return box in the Building. Teachers and students can return books by placing them in the box. Books from the return box will be retrieved by library staff every Friday at 1:00 pm.

2. The return box can only be used for books checked out from the KCIS library. All problems caused by wrong selection are the responsibility of the reader.

3. The following materials are not allowed to be entered in the box, and doing so will result in the reader being fined:

  • - Multimedia materials, book accessories, bulk materials, special collection materials, etc.
  • - Larger-size books.
  • - Damaged books.
  • - Materials checked out from off-campus libraries.

4. The actual number of books returned is subject to the library's collection. Before this, the number of books that could be checked out was based on records of the library system. Readers need to check their checking-out status. If you have any questions, please notify the library immediately.

5. For overdue books returned using the drop box, the library will calculate the suspension date according to the lending rules.

6. If there are matters not covered in these rules, they may be amended at any time.

7. These rules will be implemented after the principal's approval, and the same will be the case for revisions.