Mission Statement

KCIS seeks to provide students with:
- The tools to communicate and to listen effectively and empathetically.
- An understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.
- A desire for active involvement; socially, academically, and physically.
- The ability to consider, question, and create solutions.
- The skills, moral strength, and motivation to bring about personal growth and positive social change.
The school's rigorous and continuously evolving curriculum strives to equip and motivate all students to be positive, proactive members of their local and global community.
At Kang Chiao, we believe all students are capable of greatness, and our school's Expected Schoolwide Learning Results focus on developing these attributes.
Our KCIS students are:
Global Participants, who...
- Respect their own culture, as well as those of other individuals and communities.
- Have an informed understanding of issues that have local and global significance.
- Assimilate easily into new cultures and societies.
Responsible Citizens, who...
- Focus on protecting the environment and reducing their own ecological footprint.
- Ensure their actions and the consequences that accompany them bring no harm to others or the environment.
- Make positive contributions to their community.
Effective Communicators, who...
- Are able to fluently converse in more than one language.
- Are able to present their own perspective with clarity and confidence, while respecting the right of others to be heard.
- Are confident and adept at using technology to enhance communication and collaboration.
Active Achievers, who...
- Challenge themselves both intellectually and physically to achieve their personal best.
- Identify and hone their individual strengths.
- Develop a passion for learning and the ability to be motivated, self-directed learners.
Thoughtful Leaders, who...
- Develop skills of reflection and organization to achieve short and long term goals.
- Propose creative and positive solutions to local and international problems.
- Demonstrate insight, creativity, and integrity in their academic pursuits.