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TumbleBook 英文互動電子書 |
English 英文 |
Tumble book library provide animated talking picture books and is rich in educational resources which help vocabulary building or understanding elements of a story. 收錄超過500本生活趣味之英文繪本,由真人正統美語發音,以活潑之動畫呈現電子書,還包含拼圖、小遊戲、測驗等生動有趣的教學內容。 | 線上PDF |
TumbleBooks Cloud 電子書資料庫 |
English 英文 |
Teen Book Cloud is an online collection of enhanced novels, ebooks, graphic novels, videos, and audio books, which offers teens and adults of all reading levels access to an amazing range of content. 收錄超過500本經典文學讀本,搭配真人美語朗讀,讓讀者閱讀與發音同步學習。 | 線上PDF |
Tumble AudioBook Cloud 電子書資料庫 | English 英文 |
AudioBook Cloud provide Western Books along with orthodox pronunciation and the scenario sound effect. 收錄近1,000本知名有聲出版社(Blackstone, Highbrige及Naxos…等)有聲書。 | 線上PDF |
iRead eBook 華藝電子書 |
Chinese 中文 |
Presents an extensive collection with over200 traditional Chinese publications in airiti Books, which offers the biggest selection of electronic books and magazines in Taiwan. 全國最大繁體中文電子書網站,支援各種載具之線上及離線閱讀,輕鬆閱讀電子書。收錄200本以上電子書。收錄類型:人文社會、自然科學、醫學、產業報告、考試用書、語言進修、文學小說、商業管理、藝術、養生保健、休閒、政府出版品等。 | 下載PPT |
HyRead eBooks | Chinese 中文 |
Offers books in Chinese that are mainly published in Taiwan including subjects for children and parents, literature and fictions, business and economics. 收錄200本以上繁體中文電子書及中文電子雜誌,主題包括人文社會、文學小說、語言學習、財經商管、科學科普、電腦資訊、藝術設計、休閒生活、考試證照、宗教心靈等,提供視覺化flash動態翻頁、智慧搜尋、多種閱讀(PC線上閱讀、PC離線閱讀、iPad、Android行動載具)等功能。 | 下載PPT |
udn讀書館 | Chinese 中文 |
und.com provides the highest quality contents in Chinese that are mainly published in Taiwan including subjects for children, literature, arts and science. 提供優質、豐富的兒童中文電子書資源,包括社會人文、藝術設計、自然科普與兒童文學等。支援ios、Android手機與平板等裝置。 | 線上說明 |