
Kang Chiao International School Application Form
(Please fill in the following blanks. We will contact you as soon as possible.)
Xiugang Campus(G7~G12) 新店秀岡校區國高中
Linko Campus(G1~G12) 林口校區國小到高中

Dear Mr. and Ms,

Thank you for your interest to Kang Chiao. KCIS Online registration for 2018 Fall semester admission seminar is open.

Please fill in the blanks below, then you can register for the 2018 Fall semester admission seminar. If it's your first time to register, please first fill in our application form KCIS Online Application Form,thank you !


Student Name 學生姓名:
Student Birth 學生生日:

若對系統有疑慮或系統發生錯誤,請洽 02-81952008 招生中心 莊老師 或 02-81952007 唐老師
If you have any questions about the system, please call 02-81952008 (Aaron Chuang) or 02-81952007 (Natalie Tang)